A brief description of the workshop.
The How to Train a Man workshop is a two-day workshop filled with exercises and discussion designed to give you opportunities to develop your abilities as a trainer.
The bulk of the information in the workshop is based on ideas in Behavioral Psychology. There is some content that is based on related fields of study, and then a smaller amount of content that is based on 'good ideas'.
Both days start at 10:00 am and finish around 5:00 pm. There will be a lunch break during the day, but no lunch will be provided. There are various restaurants in the area where students can go get something to eat.
The information of the workshop will follow a fairly simple pattern: a concept will be presented and described, followed by an exercise where you can play with the concept. Then there will be an opportunity for the students to discuss and ask questions about the concept.
The workshop focuses primarily on three concepts: postive reinforcement, shaping and behavior.
Positive Reinforcement
A consequence following a behavior that increases the likelihood of similar behavior in the future.
Shaping is reinforcement of successive approximations to a desired behavior.
Anything a person does that can be observed.
Men are welcome to attend the workshop, though they will be asked to sit in the back of the room and observe the workshop, rather than participate in it. There will be opportunities for the men to ask questions at the end of each day. Some exercises will need a few men to volunteer to help out the women in the room who are participating.
This workshop has been designed and led by Chris Hubbard. Chris has studied with and learned from some of the top 'human potential' groups in the US. He has an unusual background that makes him singularly qualified to lead the How To Train A Man workshop. Chris has spent years looking for fun and creative ways to support and empower women, this workshop supplies valuable insights into the activity of interacting with men.
If you haven't already, take a look at the testimonials for examples of what previous students have said about Chris and the workshop.
Upcoming Workshops
No scheduled workshops at this time
The workshop will be $250 per person, though the first three workshops will be free.
I don't have any items for an FAQ, as I get them I'll add them.